Monday, September 16, 2024


As the clock was about to struck midnight 

The tastebuds craved sweet delight 

We venture out on our bike

To satiate the hunger for croissant bite

When parking by the street, I see a child 

Holding over shoulder, a scrap bag - four times his build

My heart sinks by this sight

Wondering about the disparity and his plight

Thoughts on contrast realities and my privilege

I ponder, why this at such a tender age

And once again I’m taken aback with despair

Wondering why is equity so rare

Saturday, May 30, 2020


She sowed the seed of the Himalayan trek, in the grassland of her mind
The seeds dispersed and germinated, their journeys entwined

There began the bumpy ride, with rail throwing googly to their stride
Up they kept their spirits, while overcoming the challenge of mountain ride

Spinning minds and the gurgling pukes, made one and all, feel uneasy and brood
Together they climbed from Lohajung to Didna, singing songs of friendship and prelude

They went in search of logs of wood, to enjoy the bonfire with good food
Starry skies and the peaceful natural ties, keeping them glued and hooked

Next morning welcomed the call from Bedni, with spirits bold
Breathtakingly beautiful, never ending bugyals, a mesmerising sight to behold

Offering a panoramic view throughout, until they continued the stroll
The tents perched on the meadows, provided perfect protection against cold

The games accommodated all in a tiny tent, offering fun and warmth
Causing breathlessness in the middle of the night, with sleeping bags swamped

Bedni to Pathar Nauchani was a leisure walk, to acclimatize and keep up with their talks
Climb to the rocky terrain of Bagwabasa, was pepped up with wishes from descending folks

In the wee hours began the ascend to the summit, with testing and exciting cries
Witnessing the glacial Roopkund lake, felt like an achievement, a prize

Jovial trekkers and helpful organizers, ­­made this trek an experience worth remembering lifetime
Enabling them to appreciate and enjoy the little pleasures, from sunshine to night-time

Descend offered some adventurous sliding routes, to those who would risk the bruise
Getting them all excited, thrilled by the woods, paths explored out of the blues­

Relishing fritters by the setting sun, contemplating on the lessons learned
Missing the chime of mule bell, happily, she took along the souvenir earned

Waiting to witness the rising sun, defeating the internal tiredness drum
Attempting to compose her new rhythm, feeling overjoyed at the sight of Chrysanthemum

From the trip filled with memories, one after the other, each sharing their glory
What was once a dream? became today a real-life story

Marking the return trip with slow-moving traffic, they missed their train to Delhi
Knowing the plan may not go as per the plan, afraid they were not – hence found the ally

Blessed with the defining moment, she receives her tribute
Realizes - the mountains, valley, trees, breeze, rains, sky, clouds, birds, sun and moon – all contribute

Learning to live, grow and evolve together, through spring, summer, autumn and winter
She dares to move the mountains and be moved by them forever…..

Sunday, February 26, 2012

HEART o'er mind or MIND o'er heart

It is a tussle between my mind and my heart,
I miss you and those memories sketched deep inside my heart,
Thinking about those moments, make my heart fall apart..
We came closer and closer,
Our friendship grew older..
Conversations were long,
More and more talks evolved..
Understanding prevailed at the beginning,
But later realized that the friend was drifting..
You say things are same,
Relationship hasn’t changed,
But unable to accept is my mind so strained..
I rectify my mistake as I learn this lesson,
I was simply prioritizing you while myself being at your option..
No more do I want to hurt myself,
Will not bother you again with my talks insane,
Thinks my mind when in pain..
Remains determined for days few,
But the moment I see you, my eyes rest to adore you..
Caught I’m between my heart and mind…
Where one says stop fooling your self, the friend is ignoring,
Whereas the other says the feelings are still pure and divine,
You are simply passing through different phases of time..
Like the phases of moon, waxing and waning..
Rightly said, “Friendship is not measured when both take care of each other
Its measured when one ignores but the other continues to care further.. .. ..” :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Love and happiness are feelings of purity,
They truly are experiences of divinity..
Always in the purest form are feelings,
Hence they’ll never be the cause of sufferings..
Its only when emotions of attachment emerge,
That vibes of negativity surround us..
But often minds of many get confused,
When distinguishing between these two..
When one loves the other truly,
No matter what, the feelings of lover will always be heavenly..
Guess this is the reason why a mother loves her child so dearly,
Although at times, the child responds to her unfavorably..
Happiness is not something which is always with you,
Its one of the many things we pursue!!! !! ! :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

सुख दुःख मे आँखे है नम

कभी कभी ये आँखे हो जाती है नम,
जब कर देते है अपने कुछ ऐसा सितम,
 दे देते है जीवनभर के लिए जख्म..
कुछ कह देते है बातें जो हमने पहले नहीं थी मानी,
कुछ ऐसी वाणी जो लगती है कडवी उनकी जुबानी..
कभी पल के लिए लगता है जीवन एक जशन,
तो अगले ही पल फिर ये आँखे हो जाती है नम..
कभी करते है वो हमसे ढेर सारा प्यार,
तो कभी करते है, परायो सा व्यवहार..
कभी अंजानो से हो जाती है मीठी सी बातें,
तो कभी अपनों से बात करने के लिए तरस जाती हें रातें,,
कभी हमारी तारीफ़ करते नहीं थकते,
तो कभी हमारी गलतियों पे हमे डाँटते..
कभी हमारे काम को समज अपना काम, उसे कर लेते पूरा,
तो कभी काफी ढूंढने पर भी मिलता नहीं कोई सहारा..
कभी दुःख में सुखी रहना सिखाते हें,
तो कभी अनजाने से हमारे सुख में दुःख का कारण बन जाते हें..
कैसे हम हस्ते मुस्कराते हें जब होते हें सब शामिल,
फिर तनहा हो जाने पर रोता हें ये दिल..
कभी कभी ये आँखे हो जाती है नम,
यही तो हें इस जीवन की सरगम,
|| अक्सर हें ख़ुशी तो कभी है गम ||

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Seeking A..N..S..W.E.R.S.


Make me strong when in life I feel so blue..

Teach the terrorists the lessons on importance of human life..

That spreading terror is inhuman and unwise..

Lost are the lives of several innocent..

Who left their homes in morning with no such thought or intent...

Agreed that in life each one has his own share of trials and tribulations..

But do these acts justify being a part of life’s examinations?..

Give resilience to those who have lost their kith & kin..

And strength to those who have lost their limb..

On one hand are the desperado celebrating and partying..

On the other are the majority of your children grieving and sobbing..

Why do some meet death with such cruelty?..

How do You expect people to handle such situation boldly?..

No doubt the Mumbaikars will get back to work with full normalcy..

But does that mean they are unafraid and be subject to such scenarios mercilessly?..

The bystanders truly are a blessing in disguise..

Who fight against all odds to help the injured hospitalise..

We celebrate our birthday by feeding the poor..

Their jamboree is killing the cluster..

Unable to understand is my mind this expression..

God please explain to me this equation..

Though they say some questions remain unanswered..

But here I am waiting to seek the answers, my mind unfettered!!! !! !

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

MA.. .. .. :)

You were born with me my Mother..
My best friend, teacher, guide, lover forever..
An open book I am to you..
As u read between the lines so true..
You taught to me the A, B, C..
You guide my path through the various wonders I am yet to see..
May God bless every child with a mother, as beautiful as you..
So that happiness of eternity can be experienced in a jiffy too..
My first smile, the first step, the first word and the endless list of first timers..
Must have truly been of a special nature to you dear..
You have made me a strong person,
With lessons of Love, Candour, Integrity, Gratitude, Compassion..
No wonder, motherhood follows daughterhood..
But you discharge your duties as mother before attending to your duties as daughter which is so good..
How is it that this Love remains unconditional?..
Unable is to understand my mind so rational..
With tremendous Love, you gave me the time of your life..
I shall give you my lifetime..
Innumerable have been the circumstances, when your patience I have tried,
Still you have tendered me a thousand times, I cried!!! !! !

Friday, June 24, 2011

Metaphorical YOU!!

Be the one I can amble with and have a tete-a-tete with along the sea shore..
Be my soul to understand me to the core..

Be my friend with whom I can share innumerable talks..
Be the dreamer with whom I can dream out of the box..

Be the rains I can drench myself in..
Be the rainbow, the beautiful colors emerging from within..

Be my cottons in summer, woolens in winter..
Be my guide to motivate and inspire so that my steps do not falter..

Be what you truly can be forever and ever..
Because you are the one I can give numerous chances to forever..

Be an ocean to accommodate ME in YOU..
Be the one I can pour out my heart to..

Be a commoner and down to earth..
Together we shall live till rebirth.!!! !! !

Monday, April 11, 2011

Shattering Homes Cluttering Hearts

Life threatening natural calamities

Their after effects are messy and chaotic.

His trillion yen and Lamborghini are reduced to dust,

The man left all by himself with his destiny to curse.

He has lost his family and friends in whom his soul thrived,

He is now searching for a home and reason to survive.

The mornings and afternoons are all dark and gloomy,

The child is desperately searching for his mummy.

It was the l’il princess’s birthday today

With gifts and wishes she had expected the day to be gay.

She is yearning for the caress of her mother and father

L’il did she know about the toss of nature.

The emotional mother is unable to decipher the actions of Mother Earth

Trying hard to gauge the unpredictable nature’s wrath.

Her soul is restless, full of unease,

In search of her spouse and kids.

The grandma silently recites the prayer,

Hoping for the well being and good health of dear.

Grandpa is despaired at the loss of kin,

Contemplating over man’s invention, destruction and sin!!! !! !

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quit Pain!..

..As each evening passes by,
The fear grips me tight,
Will I be able to justify my life?
Every expectation built so high.
They say failures are the pillars to success,
But for how long do I tread?
I am tired, I am weary,
Come somebody, take away my worry.
My fear should not let me quit,
Else my future will be bleak.
This thought creeps in every now and then
It makes me insane.
And then the golden mantra I remember,